Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A New Beginning

So, the start of the school year. Exciting, huh? No. Not really.

It's just going through the same routine every single day, mindlessly following the same patterns and hoping, desperately, for something different to happen. Not exciting at all.

And speaking of mindlessly following things, that seems to have been ingrained so much into teenagers' mind that it's all they ever do. Everyone is too afraid to do anything other than exactly what everyone else is doing. Whatever's popular, whatever's cool. If someone does anything outside of the norm, they're shunned, labeled as outcasts. Only those that are exactly like everyone else can survive in high school.

And then, of course, there are the lies. They start out as small rumors; fibs, or half-truths. Someone overhears something out of context and assumes something completely different from what was meant. The words spread, and the lies grow, becoming an all-encompassing web that instantly ensnares any poor, defenseless victims unlucky enough to get caught in it.

If there is a Hell, it must be exactly like high school.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I'm fine.

So, my therapist thought it was a good idea to write out my "feelings" in this blog or whatever.

I don't much see the point. If there was really something wrong with me, I really doubt a blog is gonna help me fix them.

Which, there isn't, by the way. You know, everyone around me insists there's something wrong, but there really isn't. They're all just wasting their time on me, because you can't cure what's not broken (or however the saying goes).

So, yeah. There's my "feelings", I guess.